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Mermaid Steel


On an idyllic tropical coastline, a human blacksmith and a mermaid weaver fall in love despite deep cultural differences, and must learn from each other to overcome the hatred and violence erupting between their two villages.


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"Hartlove explores unconventional romance and the process of cultural erasure… A thoughtful, erotic fantasy that asks readers to see the best in one another."

- Kirkus Reviews

Full review here

Mermaid Steel won Silver for Multicultural Fantasy Romance at The Book Fest 2022

Mermaid Steel is now available in all formats in all channels from Water Dragon Publishing with cover art by Lee Moyer.

Merrow man - refined details
by Emmett Hartlove
by Karen Gillmore
Merrow man by Emmett Hartlove
(Click here for The Story Behind the Story)
How Merrow walk and sit
(Click here for Chapter Six Excerpt)
by Eva Widermann 
by Robyn Lynn Williams
by Pascal Blanche
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